December 19, 2009

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Google Wave Invitations

After having Google Wave for a few weeks I must say I have hardly used it, I check out what I can do with Google's new tool, after playing with it for a day or two I had enough.
When I need to connect some one through the web I use one of following.
  1. E-mail, in my case Gmail.
  2. Instant messaging, again Google Talk in my case, some times I use the one in skype.
  3. Skype, when I need to talk.
I have a few friends who also have Google Wave, but same like me they hardly use it, everyone is already used to use e-mail and I.M.
More then that all of them use Gmail, they prefer their e-mail, then heir new way of communication, meaning Google Wave. Another problem with Google Wave is that you can only use it to communicate with friends who have Goolge accounts, as apposed to e-mail which can be used a lot wider to communicate people with accounts in other places.  By creating G-mail Google had prevented from most users to change their way of thinking and start communicating in a new way.
On the other hand I must say that a lot Google's experiments have ended in very good products like G-mail, Google Calender, Google Reader and Google maps and there is rumor that they are working now on a new web protocol, "spty" which is 50% faster then "http".
If you are still interested in trying Google Wave for your self I have some invitations left, you can leave me a comment with your mail and I'll send you an invitation.

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